This is a passion project I created to raise awareness to mental health in the Grand Valley. It was created by hand done paint marker type. This project was to go along with the start the talk movement, getting people to openly talk about mental illness and to eliminate the stigma that surrounds this topic. The concept was to get people to come talk to be about mental health. I achieved this by taking an 4x8' board out to a busy coffee shop everyday for two weeks and added a letter out pf order, so people couldn't read what it said until they came to talk to me about what it was and have an interaction with me about what they think on this topic.
Dionis Goat Milk Lip Balm is an all natural chapstick. I created a few ads for this product using different approaches and styles to try and market to a younger audience. The concept was based off of the fact that this lip balm was created out of goat milk.
These are a few posters created for groups and events on Colorado Mesa Universities campus.
This was an advertising project to try and market a branch of the military to millennials. Reach Beyond was a new tagline for the marines to get millennials interested in enlisting. The approach to this task was the use of misdirection. Through research millennials don't respond well to directly in your face, especially when it comes to the military. This was a approach to get millennials interested and comfortable with this topic.
Illustrations using different media and tools such as Illustrator and a Wacom.
The Great West Beer Fest in an annual beer festival that is held in Grand Junction, CO at Colorado Mesa University. Was tasked with creating the logo, posters, banners, T-shirts, tickets, brochure, and other collateral.
This piece is a designed from scratch typeface I created with he concept for it based off of my father. The type specimen was created to show off the typeface and concept. The concept is based off of the bike races my father does in Colorado. It lists all the towns, miles, how many he's finished, and the names of the races.